Solterra Solar Cell
Positive power tolerance of 0~+3%
- IEC61215(2016), IEC61730(2016)
- ISO9001:2015: Quality Management System
- ISO14001:2015: Environment Management System
- ISO45001:2018: Occupational health and safety management systems
TR technology + Half Cell
TR technology with Half cell aims to eliminate the cell gap to increase module efficiency (mono-facial up to 21.38%).
Best Warranty
12 year product warranty, 25 year linear power warranty.
9BB instead of 5BB
9BB technology decreases the distance between bus bars and finger grid line which is benefit to power increase
Enhanced Mechanical Load
TR technology with Half cell aims to eliminate the cell gap to increase module efficiency (mono-facial up to 21.38%).
Higher lifetime Power Yield
2% first year degradation, 0.55% linear degradation.
Avoid debris, cracks and broken gate risk effectively
9BB technology using circular ribbon that could avoid debris, cracks and broken gate risk effectively.
- 10 Year Product Warranty
- 25 Year Linear Power Warranty
- 0.55% Annual Degradation Over 25 years
Enginer Drawing
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